I am Dr. Buddhi Malla, a seasoned banker and columnist with 3 decades of diverse experience, predominantly in banking for 24 years. My professional journey includes significant roles such as CEO at Rising Development Bank Ltd. and OM Finance Ltd., as well as Deputy CEO at Om Development Bank Limited. Presently, Currently I am working as an Assistant General Manager at NMB Bank Limited. Beyond my banking career, I am also recognized as the author of the motivational book “Safalta Sambhav Chha.” I am a columnist who has penned numerous articles covering a wide array of topics, including banking, economics, motivation, and literature.
खुशिको दियो जलोस जताततै
खुशिको दियो जलोस जताततै, मनमा बसोस् मांयाको बास् । प्रत्येक दिन नयां बिहानी बनोस्, जिवन आनन्द बनोस् संधै नै हर्षाेउल्लास् ।। ......................................... सम्बन्धहरु होउन् निक्कै सरल, नहोस् झुुठा कुरा अनि छल पनि । मिलोस् खुुशी [...]
पर्यटनद्धारा संसारलाई चिनाउने अनि देशमै कमाउने बातावरण बन्न सक्छ ।
‐लेखक डा. बुद्धि मल्ल । नेपाल प्रकृतिले भरपूर बरदान दिएको र बिश्वमा नै संस्कृतिको धनि देशहरुमध्येको एक देश हो । हिमालदेखि तराईसम्म बहुभाषा, बहुधर्म, बहुसंस्कृतिले भरपूर देश भएर पनि हामिले पर्यटकहरुलाई आकर्षित गर्न चुकिरहेका छौं [...]
We can come back from the setback.
Navigating life's challenges is like a delicate dance, with progress and setbacks intertwined. When we face personal, professional, or other difficulties, a guiding compass helps us through tough times. We must embrace struggles, allowing them [...]